
sad robot


His steely skin is covered
By centuries of dust
Once he was a great one
Now he's dull and rust

An oily tear he's crying
Can you feel the pain
Of the sad, sad robot
And it's driving him insane

He can't turn back time nor history
So his life became a misery
He has to face the destiny
Nobody cares anymore

Sad, sad robot (3x)
All alone

He's a sad, sad robot (3x)
He's so alone

Me steely skin is covered
By centuries of dust
Once me was a great one
But now I'm dull and rust

An oily tear I'm crying
Can you feel me pain
I'm the sad, sad robot
Driving me insane

I can't turn back time nor history
So me life became a misery
I have to face me destiny
That I'm all on me own

Sad, sad robot
I'm a sad, sad robot (2x)
All alone

Oh, I'm a sad, sad robot
I'm a sad, sad robot (2x)
I'm all alone

Sad, sad robot (3x)
All alone

You're a sad, sad robot (3x)
You're so alone

Red, red robot
I'm a red, red robot (2x)
And so I shall return

I'm a red, red robot (3x)
So I shall return

hmmph, jarang2 gw naro lirik lagu disni khan? hehhe... tp ni lagu emang bwat gwa bagus (tp bwat gwa sih lbh tepat keren banget) bukan krn 8bit music nya, tp krn emang lagunya tu keren...
liriknya jg bagus... gabungan antara 8bit music dan gitarnya jg mantab!

"well... lagu itu membuat gwa sedikit kepikiran sama orang2 yg dulunya hebat,berjasa,berguna,atau apalah..., tp sejalan dgn waktu, orang itu ditinggalkan dan dilupakan...
yeaah... cm bisa berharap kita2 nanti tidak dijadikan spt si "sad robot" ini, dan yg lbh penting lagi mudah2an gwa,ato elu2 semua tidak menjadi orang2 yg dengan gampangnya melupakan jasa2 orang.....

yaudah biar gak penasaran sama lagunya kyk gmn, coba aja play tu lagu..
tuh ada disebelahkanan atas diblog gwa.. tinggal diplay aja, track pertama :)
eh iye, jgn lupa buffering dulu....
dan.. bwat pengguna speedy,apalagi yg speedy limited....sangat dianjurkan dengerinnya diaatas jam 8mlm yee....


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